The King's Speech
Waking Ned Devine
A Distinguished Gentleman
Privileged Planet Documentary
My Cousin Vinnie
The Inlaws (Peter Falk)
Beethoven Symphonies and Piano Concertos
Sibelius Symphonies
Brahms Symphonies
Schubert Symphonies and Lieder Songs
Haydn Symphonies
Mozart Symphonies
Mahler Symphonies and Leider Music
Richard Wagner Music
Clancy Brothers Music
The Chieftans
Riverdance Music
Neil Diamond
Harry Chapin
Tom Paxton
Eric Claptan
Dolly Parton
Kenny Rogers
John Denver
Killing Patton by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard
Sun Dancing –A Medieval Vision of Ireland-Geoffrey Moorehouse
Travels with Charley-John Steinbeck
Groucho Marx Private Eye-Ron Goulart-a funny read
Saxons, Vikings and Celts-Bryan Sykes– a background history of the British Isle peoples
Free-The future of a radical price-Chris Anderson
Predictably Irrational– Dan Ariely
The Power of Now-Erich Tolle
Learn True Health-Ashley James
Richard Rohr-CAC
The Great Courses Series
National Geographic-Wonders of the National Parks-A Geology of North America– Ford Cochran
Italians Before Italy-Kenneth P. Bartlett
Museum Maserpieces of the Lourve-Richard Brettell
Nutrition Made Clear-Roberta H. Anding
The Science of Natural Healing-Mimi Guarneri
Story of Human Language-John Mc Whorter